port check Windows 10 / Windows 11
| 02-Oct-2023 |
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Tutorial PortCheck 2.1 --> Go to the
PortCheck 3.0 tutorial
PortCheck is a tiny command line tool for administrators and
network admins. You can check if a remote device answers on a certain
TCP port.
What's new in version 2.1
Individual text / text in
other languages
Alarm in case of error
What's new in version 2.1 (Nov.
PortCheck has some new features:
Interactive mode with -i:
You can create a shortcut on the desktop that asks
for host and port when double-clicked. Very
practical for ad hoc checks.
Individual text:
With the parameters -replaceopentext and
-replaceclosedtext the output can be completely
customized. An interesting feature. For example, in
the event of an error, instead of the "networker
language" this text could appear: "No
answer from Production-Machine1. Please call 5678".
Furthermore, the output can be adapted to any
Alerting in case of
error: PortCheck can now execute batch
files in case of closed ports and in the "repaired
case". Also only after several failures - completely
PortCheck 2.0 sometimes showed a wrong result when
the own Windows firewall prohibited an outgoing
PortCheck by Lugrain Software 11/2020
Checks if a remote TCP port is opened or not.
Easy syntax:
PortCheck [-t] [-i] <hostname(s)> <port(s)>
PortCheck -i
# interactive (ask for input)
PortCheck MyServer 80 # single check
PortCheck -t MyServer 443 # continuous
More complex syntax:
PortCheck [-t] [-i] [-w:<pause in s>] [-st] [-nc] [-oo] [-nl] [-tc]
[-rcf:<batch file when
closed>] [-rcc:<closed count>] [-rco] [-rch]
[-rof:<batch file when
open>] [-roc:<open count>] [-roo] [-roh]
when open>] [-replaceclosedtext:<text when closed>]
<hostname(s)> <port(s)>
[<timeout in ms>] [<name of logfile>] [<description>]
hostname(s) One or more hostnames, separated by
comma (no blanks)
port(s) One or more TCP
port numbers (separated by comma), a port
<startport>-<endport> or all wellknown ports 'knownports' or 'kp'
timeout Can be 100-1000
(default: 1000ms)
filename Logs everything to a
specified file, including date and time
description Your own description for the specified
-t Check the specified ports continuous
-w Wait some time between checks (this is not the
-st Show date and time in every line
-nc No color: use default color instead of green and red
-oo Only open: show only open ports
-nl No lines: don't add separators
-tc Toggle colors: swap green and red (port opened =
-bp Beep: send acoustical signal in case of alarm (only
with -t)
PortCheck 80
PortCheck -t 80
PortCheck oracle-server1 1521 500 c:\temp\logfile.txt oracle
PortCheck -t -bp MyFileserver 139
PortCheck -t -w:10 MyFileserver 139,445
PortCheck -t -tc -bp sql-server1,sql-server2 1433 300
PortCheck -oo MyServer 1-1024
PortCheck MyServer knownports
PortCheck -t -rcf:"c:\data\closed.cmd" -rcc:3 -rco Citrix-Server
PortCheck -t -replaceclosedtext:"Machine isn't working properly.
Please call 1234!" Citrix-Server 1494
Returns ERRORLEVEL=0 when port is closed, ERRORLEVEL=1 when port is
Simple check
PortCheck 80
Checks once whether answers on
port 80 (HTTP).
PortCheck -t 443
Checks continuously (as with the ping command) whether
responds on port 443 (HTTPS).
check, ask for host and port
PortCheck -i
Queries host and port from user. You can create a shortcut on your
desktop that calls PortCheck.exe -i. This allows you to run an ad
hoc PortCheck at any time.
Show date and time
PortCheck -t -st Terminal-Server1 445
Checks continuously if
Terminal-Server1 responds on port 445 (NetBIOS
over TCP/IP). Displays date and time in every line.
Log to file with date
and time
PortCheck -t -st Terminal-Server1 445 1000
Checks continuously if Terminal-Server1
responds on port 445 (NetBIOS over TCP/IP). Displays date and time
in every line and writes eyerything to a file.
Multiple hosts,
single port
PortCheck -t Fileserver1,Fileserver2 3389
Checks continuously if Fileserver1 and Fileserver2 respond on port
3389 (RDP). Important: No blanks before and behind the
Multiple hosts,
multiple ports
PortCheck -t Fileserver1,Fileserver2 139,3389
Checks continuously if Fileserver1 and Fileserver2 respond on port
139 (NetBIOS) and port 3389 (RDP). Important:
No blanks before and behind the comma.
Wait between two checks
PortCheck -t -w:10 Exchange-Server1 443
continuously if Exchange-Server1 answers on Port 443. Waits 10
seconds between two checks.
Wait and Timeout
PortCheck -t -w:10 Cisco-Router1 22 600
Checks continuously if
Cisco-Router1 answers on Port 22 (SSH). Waits 10 seconds between two
checks. Timeout is set to 600ms.
Acoustic signal (Beep)
PortCheck -t -bp Citrix-Server1 1494
Checks continuously if Citrix-Server1 answers on port 1494 (ICA).
A beep sounds if the server does not respond.
Acoustic signal (Beep) und
reversed colors
PortCheck -t -bp -tc Citrix-Server1 1494
Checks continuously if Citrix-Server1
answers on port 1494 (ICA). A beep sounds if the server
responds (answer = error).
Portscan on "Known Ports"
PortCheck Oracle-Server1 kp
Checks whether
Oracle-Server1 responds on the "known ports". Checks
known ports.
Portscan on port range
PortCheck Oracle-Server1 1-1024
Checks whether
Oracle-Server1 answers on port 1-1024.
Individual text / text in other languages
With the parameters -replaceopentext
and -replaceclosedtext the output can be
customized. The specified text replaces the complete line which is
normally output by PortCheck. So it is also possible to display the
text in any language.
You want to monitor the functionality of a production machine with
PortCheck. The machine with the IP address responds on port
27000. The specialists - who do not have any special IT know-how -
should be shown an understandable text in case of an error:
PortCheck -t
-replaceopentext:"Production machine PM-1 is working properly"
-replaceclosedtext:"No answer from Production Machine PM-1.
Please restart or call 12345!" 27000
The following variables can be
used within the text:
%host% Hostname
%ip% IP address
%port% Port
%result% Time in milliseconds or "timeout"
%datetime% Date and time
Alarm in case of error
PortCheck is
able to execute a batch file in case of an error. You can then use
this batch file to perform further actions, such as sending a mail
or SMS or initiating repair actions. Here are the possibilities:
Alarm can be triggered at the first
error or after several successive errors. This avoids an
immediate alarm at the first timeout.
One-time alarm possible. In this way,
it can be configured so that only a single alarm is
triggered in the event of a permanent failure.
Alarm in case of "repaired" possible.
In this way all parties involved know that the problem
has been fixed.
Example 1:
You want to use PortCheck to permanently monitor a web server on
port 443. If the web server does not respond on this port 10 times
in a row, the batch file Webserver-Error.cmd should be executed
once. This is how it works:
PortCheck -t
-rcf:"c:\data\Webserver-Error.cmd" -rcc:10 -rco WebServer1 443
With the parameter -rco the file
is executed only once. It will only be executed again if there is at
least one response on port 443.
Example 2:
You want to use PortCheck to permanently monitor a file server on
port 139. If the file server does not respond on this port 8 times
in a row, the batch file Fileserver-Error.bat should be executed
once. If the file server responds on the port 4 times in a row
again, the batch file Fileserver-OK.bat should be executed. The
command line is:
PortCheck -t -rcf:"c:\data\Fileserver-Error.bat" -rcc:8
-rco -rof:"c:\data\Fileserver-OK.bat" -roc:4 -roo FileServer1
Looks complicated, but it is not :).
Everything that starts with "-rc" stands for "run when closed".
Everything that starts with "-ro" stands for "run when open". For
example, "-roo" stands for "run when open once".
The following parameters are automatically
transferred to the batch files and can be used in them:
%1 Hostname
%2 IP address
%3 Port
%4 Time in milliseconds or "timeout"
PortCheck Home
Software: PortCheck
Category: TCP port check for Windows / Check TCP ports Windows 10
Type: Command line (cmd)
Operating Systems: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows Server
2008 / Windows Server 2012 / Windows Server 2016 / Windows Server 2019 /
Windows Server 2022